Frequently Asked Questions
CE Requirements | Texas Dental Hygiene License Renewal |
Human Trafficking Prevention
| Every 2 years
| Needs to be active at time of renewal |
Self-Study CE allowed
| 8 hours maximum
Risk Management CE allowed
| 8 hours maximum
# of CE hours needed | 24 hours
Scientific/Technical CE required | 16-24 hours
Renewal Cycle | Every 2 years
How often do I have to renew my Texas Dental Hygiene license? Every 2 years.
What do I need to renew my Texas dental hygiene license? Pay the application fee to the TSBDE, have 24 hours of continuing education completed, have a valid BLS CPR certification from either the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, take and pass the jurisprudence exam if due, and be in good standing with the TSBDE Compliance department and The Attorney General’s Office for Child Support.
How do I renew my Texas dental hygiene license? Create or login to the online Licensing system at https://vo.licensing.hpc.texas.gov/datamart/login.do. For a more detailed guide, visit the TSBDE’s section on “Renewing Online” at: https://tsbde.texas.gov/licensing/hygienists/hygienist-license-renewal/
How many hours of continuing education do I need to renew my Texas Dental Hygiene license? 24 hours in the 2 year renewal cycle.
What qualifies as live CE? Any in-classroom course or a live interactive webinar (defined by TSBDE as one that you can ask and answer questions on).
What is considered technical/scientific CE and how many hours do I need per renewal cycle? TSBDE defines as “significant intellectual or practical content… designed to directly enhance the practitioner’s knowledge and skill in providing clinical care to the individual patient.” At least 16 of the 24 hours (8 CAN, but are not required to be, self-study) must be technical/scientific. BASICALLY anything that pertains to clinical aspects of the practice, patient care, or clinician skills (ex: infection control, instrumentation, ergonomics, etc.).
How many non-technical/scientific CE can I have? 8 hours of risk-management courses are allowed. These include record-keeping, HIPAA, and ethics.
How many self-study hours can I have per renewal cycle? 8 hours (can be scientific/technical or risk management).
Can I roll-over my CE from the last renewal cycle? Yes, up to an additional 24 hours of CE received after the initial 24 hour CE requirement was met during the last renewal cycle and no more than 1 year prior to the current renewal cycle can be rolled over.
How often am I required to take OSHA? OSHA is a national mandated, not a state mandated, course that should be taken yearly.
How often do I have to take Jurisprudence? Every 4 years (or every other renewal cycle).
How often do I have to take Human Trafficking Prevention training? Every 2 years (or every renewal cycle). *This does count towards your CE credit **Must be from an approved provider.
Where do I take Human Trafficking Prevention training? You can take it at any time on the DHHS website at: https://learningportal.hhs.texas.gov/course/search.php?q=HEART+Training+%282024%29&areaids=core_course-course or you can attend a CE course by an approved provider (live or self-study) on the following list: https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/safety/texas-human-trafficking-resource-center/health-care-practitioner-human-trafficking-training
Am I required to take a controlled substance CE course for my Texas Dental Hygiene license? No.
Does HIPAA count for CE credit? Yes.
Does Human Trafficking Prevention count for CE credit? Yes.
Does Advanced Cardiac Life Supports (ACLS) or Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) count for CE credit? Yes, if completed through an approved provider of the TSBDE.
Does OSHA count for CE credit? No.
Do practice finance courses count for CE credit? No.
Does Jurisprudence count for CE credit? No.
Does BLS - CPR count for CE credit? No.
Can I take my BLS - CPR class online? Yes and no. Hybrid courses are now offered partially online that allow for more self-study and shorter in-person sessions, but a hands-on skills assessment is required to renew BLS certification.
Why didn’t I receive my Texas dental hygiene license in the mail? The TSBDE no longer mails renewal licenses. You can print your license for free at https://tsbde.texas.gov/printcert/
Do I need to provide proof of my CE completion when I renew my Texas dental hygiene license? No, but keep records easily accessible in case you are audited.
Why was I audited by the TSBDE? About 5% of hygienists are randomly audited at their renewal.
I was audited by the TSBDE, now what? Create or login to the TSBDE Lifelong Learning Portal at https://portal.esslearning.com/tsbde . You will be required to provide proof of continuing education during a certain period of time. Please note it is not uncommon for CE to be temporarily rejected if there is missing information on the CE certificate. Ensure you have entered the correct information regarding the title and accredited organization you received the certificate from. Sometimes you may need to contact the organization that issued the certificate to ensure they have the correct information - something as simple as a missing logo or signature may cause it to be denied until it is corrected.
What if I was audited and I did not take my 24 hours of CE? The TSBDE will not renew your license until all requirements have been met.
Who do I contact if I still have questions regarding my license? Email the TSBDE Licensing division at: llicensinghelp@tsbde.texas.gov or call (512) 463-0235.